
Today is another decent day. The shop is just busy enough: I have enough to do that I don’t feel un-needed but I’m also not overworked.

For the second time this month I was told to stay home for lack of work to do. I understand fully, and agree that it was warranted, but this has rattled me none-the-less. Before now I have always had a consistent schedule. I was told 45 minutes before closing that I wouldn’t be working the following day. This took me by surprise, and I feel that I should have been given more notice.

Either way, I feel that I responded appropriately. I acknowledged the situation politely and professionally. The following day I immediately began searching for job postings, and updating my resume. I in no way want to lose this job, and I have recieved no indication yet that I’m in danger of losing it. But this is yet another very stark reminder that my position is precarious.

In recent years, I’ve gotten a lot better at appreciating the present moment, not dwelling too much on the past, or future. I’ve gotten better at feeling gratitude for the nice things immediately in front of me, such as meaningful and interesting work.